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Why use Powerplant

Max Bio

The maximum porus capacity biofiltration media available, power in small form. Suitable for Fresh and Marine aquariums.

Faster Cycle

Powerplant comes pre-seeded with multiple strains of nitrifying bacteria which rapidly speeds up cycle times.

Full Cycle

Achieve a full cycle and remove ammonia, nitrite and nitrate without producing hydrogen sulfide production.

Anaerobic support

Grow the right amount of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria species to remove nitrate in all types of sumps and filters.

To cultivate both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria optimally, it’s essential to ensure that the pore size within the medium is carefully calibrated.

Adequate pore size allows for the efficient exchange of oxygen necessary for aerobic bacteria while providing the secluded environment required for anaerobic bacteria to thrive.

The ideal pore size strikes a delicate balance, permitting oxygen flow for aerobic organisms while facilitating the retention of organic matter to sustain anaerobic microbial communities.

This synergy ensures a harmonious ecosystem within the medium, promoting the decomposition of organic compounds and the conversion of nitrogenous compounds, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more balanced aquatic environment.

We’ve collaborated tirelessly with our exceptional veterinarians to develop the ultimate kickstart for your filter media – BioMax.

It boasts an ideal mix of Nitrifying bacteria commonly found in media starters including many types of Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter and Nitrospira along with an enhanced blend of anaerobic bacteria.

These specialised microbes penetrate deep into your media, swiftly proliferating to reduce nitrate levels in your aquarium.

This leads to clearer water and reduces the frequency of necessary water changes, ensuring a healthier aquatic environment.

You will notice a slight change in colour on the media as the bacteria multiply and stick using a biofilm.

Media should be rinsed in tank water every two months to knock off dead or dying bacteria and remove some detritus this will extend the life of the media and leave room for bacteria to rapidly colonize again.


The Ultimate Aquarium Engine

With this much surface area and a highly porous medium, this media has the correct areas to grow aerobic and anaerobic bacteria to remove ammonia, nitrite and turn your nitrate into a solid to be removed from your skimmer. When used with our " Nitratephos " nitrate and phosphate are kept at low levels increasing coral growth and keeping pesky algae strains at bay. Saving you money on water changes and keeping that water crystal clear. With the ability to be used ideal biological filter in drip trays, canister filters, a filter bag in sumps, or even box filters.

Use 250ml per 200 Litre aquarium although much more can be used to enhance your bio load well beyond what live rock or blocks can even get close to. Replace 20% every 6-12 months to keep filters at a premium level of pores for new bacteria. If you rinse the media with a little aquarium water every month to free up some detritus build-up it helps the media last much longer.Start by rinsing with some aquarium water or RODI to remove dust.
Then add to filter sump and run for 3 days then add the Bio booster to the media or directly to the tank.
Our Bio Booster is filled with nitrifying bacteria and anaerobic bacteria to super seed the media.

Powerplant Reviews

“I purchased this media like more people a bit sceptical about ANOTHER filter media claiming to reduce nitrate. I’ve had 2 media bags in my sump for 10 weeks after week 5 I noticed the nitrate come down from 30 to 26 and about 4-6 every week after that I’m currently at about 5 and have started feeding my fish more which they love and have started growing much better. I now go from 10 to 5 most weeks. I’ve started doing monthly water changes just to replace some stuff for the corals but I can honestly say I’m impressed this media just works.”

Jonny Worthington

“I was asked to write a review on powerplant as I have now been using it for 4 months, I think it’s well worth the money and am happy with the results if a little too happy.  I started with 3 media bags running in my 800L marine tank and I have now removed 1 of the bags and now run 2 I gave my other bag to a friend to use in his cichlid tank as my nitrate is running about 3-5ppm I have even stopped using my reactor full of Rowaphos as my phosphate never rises above 0.05ppm most weeks.  Give it a go top stuff, I did use another media famous on YouTube but it started falling apart after a year and has no real benefit apart from nitrogen cycling.”

Paul Evans

” I got my delivery very fast four weeks ago and did what it said rinsed the media in RODI water and added it to my sump.  You add one of the bottles of biomax liquid and I placed the media on my middle section on the bottom left it as instructed for a week then added the second bottle.  I did notice the water get a little cloudy the next day as I assume the bacteria settled in the tank.  Two weeks later and the water has never been clearer I do run a little carbon but I’m impressed so far. I assume nitrate reduction takes a few more weeks as mine seems to be stable at twenty/twenty-five for the last three weeks.”

Richard Montgomery

“I bought some Powerplant and placed it into my external filter that I use on my Marine aquarium, it came pre-seeded with live bacteria and cleared the water up within 48 hours of first use.  I open the filter and rinse the media in tank water every 2 weeks and it’s never been clearer.  I have been buying new fish every few weeks and have not noticed the bio load getting stretched at all great filter media for a sump too”

Sandra Nicholson

Crystal clear powered by PowerPlant

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