nitratephos 2



Algae Gone

Quickly reduces undesired algae.

Boosts coral color & growth

Boosts coral coloration & growth.

Reduce nitrate & phosphate

Controls and maintains ongoing desired levels.

Reef Safe

Reef Safe, no undesirable side effects.

NitratePhos is a unique blend of a number of different carbon molecules and other elements that control the biological reduction of algae growers (nitrate and phosphate) by naturally occurring bacteria that exist in all aquariums. The blend super feeds and gives the bacteria the correct environment to thrive in your marine aquarium, making them multiply rapidly.


Thanks to the blend of NitratePhos all biochemical changes occur with no issues and the bacteria easily absorb nitrate and phosphate converting them into biomass.  That biomass becomes a valuable food for corals while the waste is removed from water by your filter or protein skimmer.


When this happens overall condition of corals, provides better colouration and promotes growth. Due to maintaining the biological balance in the tank.  This in turn prevents the growth of green algae and the development of cyanobacteria.

Understanding the Impact of Phosphate and Nitrate on Your Marine Aquarium

Are you an aquarium enthusiast diving into the mesmerizing world of marine tanks? If so, you’ve likely come across the terms “phosphate” and “nitrate.” While these compounds are natural components of aquatic environments, their accumulation can wreak havoc on the delicate balance of your marine aquarium. Let’s dive deep into understanding their effects and why it’s crucial to keep them under control.


Phosphate and Nitrate: The Culprits Behind Algae Bloom


Phosphate and nitrate are nutrients essential for marine life. However, when their levels rise beyond what is natural, they become a breeding ground for algae. Algae bloom is a common woe among aquarium owners, resulting in cloudy water, unsightly green patches on surfaces, and even harm to your marine inhabitants.


The Domino Effect: How Excess Nutrients Affect Your Aquarium

  1. Algae Overgrowth: Elevated phosphate and nitrate levels fuel the rapid growth of algae, robbing your corals and other marine life of essential light and nutrients.

  2. Decreased Oxygen Levels: Algal blooms consume oxygen during the night, leading to oxygen depletion in the aquarium. This can stress or suffocate your fish and invertebrates.

  3. Toxicity: Some species of algae can release toxins, further endangering the health of your aquatic community.

  4. Impaired Water Quality: Excessive nutrients contribute to poor water quality, affecting the overall well-being of your marine ecosystem.

Why It Matters: The Importance of Control


Maintaining optimal levels of phosphate and nitrate is paramount for a thriving marine aquarium. Here’s why:

  1. Healthier Marine Life: By keeping phosphate and nitrate levels in check, you provide a healthier environment for your fish, corals, and other inhabitants to flourish.

  2. Reduced Algae Growth: Regulating nutrient levels helps prevent algae overgrowth, preserving the aesthetic appeal of your aquarium.

  3. Stable Ecosystem: Balanced nutrient levels contribute to a stable ecosystem, mimicking the natural conditions of the ocean and promoting biodiversity.

How to Keep Phosphate and Nitrate in Check

  1. Regular Water Testing: Monitor phosphate and nitrate levels regularly using test kits to catch any fluctuations early.

  2. Proper Feeding: Avoid overfeeding your fish, as uneaten food contributes to nutrient buildup in the aquarium.

  3. Effective Filtration: Invest in quality filtration systems such as protein skimmers and refugium’s to remove excess nutrients from the water.

  4. Water Changes: Perform routine water changes to dilute accumulated nutrients and maintain optimal water quality.

  5. Limiting Organic Waste: Minimize the introduction of organic matter into the aquarium, as it can decompose and release phosphates and nitrates.


Phosphate and nitrate may seem innocuous, but their unchecked accumulation can spell disaster for your marine aquarium. By understanding their effects and implementing proper management strategies, you can ensure a thriving and visually stunning underwater paradise for your marine inhabitants. Remember, a little vigilance goes a long way in maintaining the delicate balance of your aquatic ecosystem.



With this product, it is easy to control and reduce the phosphate and Nitrate to the levels you are chasing.


Always test before dosing you must not let Nitrate
and phosphate to reach zero this will crash your tank.


If your No3 is above 10 ppm dose 2.5 ml per 100 Litres

If your No3 is between 2.5-10 ppm dose 1.5 ml per 100 Liters

If your No3 is between 1 and 2.5 ppm dose 1ml per 100 Liters

Warning test each week and do not allow No3 and Po4 to reach zero this will crash your tank.

You can up the dose weekly or half the dose weekly, and you

control how quickly you dose remember you add carbon to your tank at your own risk.

Ideal No3 is 5ppm Ideal Po4 is 0.03ppm

“I’ve used Nitratephos for 6 months now and not only have I been able to keep nitate and phosphate low, but algae growth is also very slow not having to clean the glass is a godsend and the corals love that extra stable levels.  Nearly half the price of main brand alternatives i have it connected to my dosing pump and auto dosing well worth the money get some”

Lenny Barrow

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