Mucus and lesions on the skin
Gasping for air
Lethargic behavior
Loss of appetite
Brooklynella was named clownfish disease because it is most commonly seen in clownfish, but do not be fooled, as it can infect any fish. It is common in wild-caught clowns, but rarely seen in captive-bred clownfish, so better to ask your local fish store (LFS) whether their clownfish are captive-bred or wild-caught before buying.
Brooklynella is a kidney bean-shaped microscopic parasite that is deadly to your fish, killing them in a matter of hours to days, so it is best to catch the symptoms early!
A Formalin bath is best (45-minute soak), if not use Rally Pro (90-minute soak)
After the bath, add Chloroquine Phosphate