nori sheets

Num Num Nori

Why use Num Num Nori


Ideal natural food source for many fish.

Fussy Eaters

Promotes appetite in many fussy eaters.

Added Garlic

Contains seaweed and garlic extract with Vitamin D.

Advanced Growth

High in protein for optimum growth.

Why should I feed Nori or Seaweed to my marine aquarium?

Nori, which is a type of seaweed, can offer several benefits for marine fish when included in their diet:


  1. Nutritional Value: Nori is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins (including vitamin C, A, and B12), minerals (such as iodine, calcium, and iron), and proteins. These nutrients can contribute to the overall health and vitality of marine fish.

  2. Natural Diet: Many marine fish species naturally consume algae and seaweed in their natural habitat. Including nori in their diet can mimic their natural feeding behavior and provide them with familiar nutrition.

  3. Digestive Health: The fiber content in nori can aid in digestion for marine fish. Proper digestion is essential for fish to absorb nutrients effectively and maintain overall health.

  4. Color Enhancement: Regular consumption of nori may contribute to vibrant colors in marine fish. Certain pigments in the seaweed, such as carotenoids, can enhance the natural colors of fish, making them more visually appealing.

  5. Variety and Enrichment: Offering a diverse diet to marine fish is crucial for their overall well-being. Nori provides a different texture and flavor compared to other types of fish food, adding variety to their diet and keeping them mentally stimulated.

  6. Immune System Support: Some research suggests that certain compounds found in seaweed, such as polysaccharides and antioxidants, may have immune-boosting properties. Including nori in the diet of marine fish could potentially support their immune system and help them resist diseases.

  7. Easy to Feed: Nori sheets are readily available in pet stores and are easy to handle. They can be attached to feeding clips or simply placed in the aquarium for fish to graze on.

Overall, incorporating nori into the diet of marine fish can provide them with essential nutrients, support their health and well-being, and enhance their overall quality of life. However, it’s important to ensure that nori is used as part of a balanced diet alongside other suitable fish foods.


Num Num Nori

More Appetite, Boost Immune System

Seaweed drying

Highly Nutritious Green Marine Algae food is perfect for marine fish and tropical too. It contains just dried seaweed which is rich in protein and garlic. Garlic is a well-known immune booster and will encourage fussy eaters to feed. It is recommended to be added using a food/nori clip or attaching to a rock within the aquarium. Fish can then graze naturally on the food, this also makes it easier to remove uneaten food after 5 hours if not eaten, to help keep phosphate lower.

Super nutritious Natural Green Seaweed sheets. Ideal for all marine herbivores such as Tangs and Parrotfish, Moorish Idols, Parrotfish, Angelfish, Surgeonfish, large Butterflyfish, and herbivorous freshwater fishes, such as Goldfish and Cichlids.

Features include:

Ideal natural food source for many fish
Promotes appetite in many fussy eaters
Contains seaweed and garlic extract
High in protein for optimum growth

“Nori or seaweed is just seaweed well not this its infused with garlic and my tangs love it as soon as they taste it in the water it gets attacked and eaten great natural grazing cheap food for all marine fish and veggie-loving fish”

Pete Fitzpatrick

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